






2012 - 2014 , 博士后 , 分子细胞发育生物学系,耶鲁大学
2010 - 2012 , 联合培养博士生 , 分子细胞发育生物学系,耶鲁大学
2007 - 2012 , 理学博士 , 植物学 , 永利集团88304官网
2003 - 2007 , 理学学士 , 生物科学 , 武汉大学






1. Wu Q., Li Y., Lyu M., Luo Y., Shi H., Zhong S.#, Touch-induced seedling morphological changes are determined by ethylene-regulated pectin degradation, Science Advances, 2020, 6 (48), eabc9294.
2. Wu Q., Kuang K., Lyu M., Zhao Y., Li Y., L J., Pan Y., Shi H., Zhong S.#, Allosteric deactivation of PIFs and EIN3 by microProteins in light control of plant development, PNAS, 2020, 117: 18858-18868. (#corresponding author) (该论文被F1000推荐)
3. Yang C.*, Shen W.*, Yang L.*, Sun Y., Li X., Lai M., Wei J., Wang C., Xu Y., Li F., Liang S., Yang C., Zhong S., Luo M.#, Gao C.#, HY5-HDA9 Module Transcriptionally Regulates Plant Autophagy in Response to Light-to-Dark Conversion and Nitrogen Starvation, Molecular Plant, 2020, 13: 515-531. (* equal contribution, #corresponding author)
4. Lyu M.*, Shi H.*, Li Y., Kuang K., Yang Z., Li J., Chen D., Li Y., Kou X., Zhong S.#, Oligomerization and photo-deoligomerization of HOOKLESS1 controls plant differential cell growth, Developmental Cell, 2019, 51: 78-88. (* equal contribution, #corresponding author)
5. Shi H.*, Lyu M.*, Luo Y.*, Liu S.*, Li Y., He H., Wei N., Deng X.W.#, Zhong S.#, Genome-wide regulation of light-controlled seedling morphogenesis by three families of transcription factors, PNAS, 2018,115: 6482-6487. (* equal contribution, #corresponding author)
6. Liu X., Liu R., Li Y., Shen X., Zhong S.#, Shi H.#, EIN3 and PIF3 Form an Interdependent Module that Represses Chloroplast Development in Buried Seedling, Plant Cell, 2017,29: 3051-3067. (#corresponding author)
(该论文为Plant Cell发表当月最受关注的top5文章之一,被选为亮点文章,并发表评述文章做重点推荐,同时被F1000推荐)
7. Liu X., Li Y., Zhong S.#, Interplay between Light and Plant Hormones in the Control of Arabidopsis Seedling Chlorophyll Biosynthesis, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1433.
8. Shi H.*, Shen X.*, Liu R., Xue C., Wei N., Deng X.W.#, Zhong S.#, The red light receptor phytochrome B directly enhances substrate-E3 ligase interactions to attenuate ethylene responses, Developmental Cell , 2016,39:597-610., (* equal contribution, # corresponding author) (cover story)
(该论文被遴选为当期封面文章,并由国际著名植物学家Jose M. Alonso教授在同期Developmental Cell上撰写评述文章推荐,同时被Science Signaling的Editors` Choice栏目选中发表评述做亮点推荐)