2016年3月22日,国际应用系统分析研究所(International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, IIASA)代表团来访永利集团88304官网(筹),该所食品与农业研究著名专家Prof. Guenther Fisher为现代农业经济讲座系列带来关于水-食品-能源关系建模的学术报告“Integrated Scenario Development and Modeling of the Water-Food-Energy Nexus in Asia and the Pacific”。Prof. Guenther Fisher围绕“After going through a lot of preparatory work and impact analysis, the next phase of WFaS plans to focus on 'water solutions'. By this we understand sets of sector-specific measures and management options that work for individual sectors and at the same time produce synergies and robust outcomes acrosssectors towards improved water, food and energy security. While the global scenario work provides a wealth of consistent and useful information and some of the solution options can be designed and tested at a global scale, we are aware that practical and acceptable water solutions will have to be tailored to the specific conditions of a river basin or country and will have to be solicited from and responsive to the priorities of the involved stakeholders.The studies which we plan to undertake would seek to combine, in best IIASA tradition, elements of methodological innovation(in water systems analysis) and knowledge creation of societal and policy relevance. Studies will emphasizethe water-food-energy nexus, of course taking into account that agriculture is by far the largest factor of water consumptive use and will continue to play a critical role in the nexus.”进行了精彩的演讲,为北大学子带来了世界前沿的学术信息。